Day 1 : 5 FACTS about Myself
Assalamualaikum w.b.t
Hai semua .
Mya sepatutnya share 5 fakta pasal diri Mya hari ni .
Tapi Mya pun tak tahu nak share apa . Anyway , let's just be honest .
1) Korean .
I speak , read and write in Korean after about 3 years of learning the language myself . Masih dalam proses belajar sehingga ke hari ni . Vocabulary masih banyak kekurangan , apatah lagi dari segi ejaan .
2) Forteen
People who close with me semestinya tahu about this one fact; I do love my boys so much . Kena perli dengan En. Barney pun pedulikan je . Tapi , bukan obses ye . Itu tajuk lagu Akim & The Majistret .
3) Photography
One kind of obsession . Totally an amature in the subject. Really love to snap photos but never really mean to make money out of it . Tapi , kalau dah rezeki datang dari arah itu , nak kata apa kan ?
4) Bestfriends
My bestfriends are my soulmates. Two guys bestfriends really made my day whenever I was down , while the girl bestfriends help in finding the lady in me. Memang tak pernah nak elok kalau melepak dengan kawan lelaki . Dissing each other as symbol of affection . Prank tu wajib sekali dalam setahun. Tapi , merekalah guide , driver , partner and one of my biggest supporters .
5) Art
Tak pandai melukis pun . Doodle pun tengok hasil artwork orang . Menjahit kraf bermula tahun 2012 bila kawan-kawan minta buatkan keychain . Menyanyi is my main hobby and sometimes I do dancing randomly *kadang-kadang ada jugak ikut routine KPop Song* sekadar untuk exercise.
Anyway, stay with me till next challenge okay?
Bye, XOXO.
hehe.. ini pun dah kira ok